I use the practice of making photographs to sharpen the presence, listening, and questioning required to coach…
Evaluating a Coach in an Unregulated Industry.
You may have noticed a number of LinkedIn members posting their International Coaching Federation (ICF) digital badges with an invitation to “view my verified achievement.” Upon clicking on the badge, you will find independent verification that these individuals belong to ICF, a recognized organization among others seeking to govern its professional members through established standards. You will also find that these individuals have enrolled in or completed basic coaching training, and a commitment to abide by the ICF Code of Ethics. Is that enough in selecting a coach to work with?
Building Up Education, Breaking Down Bureaucracy
The future of education rests with the experts in the classroom, not in the bureaucracy. School Districts would be served by repurposing administrators as “Chiefs of Questioning and Listening,” “Innovation Provocateurs,” or simply as “Illuminators,” all shining light on the bright ideas shadowed by today’s suffocating organizational structure.
Seeing a Different Perspective
On a recent visit to the Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World (aka Statue of Liberty - Photo), I was reminded that leaders are invited to see more, vision from different perspectives, put themselves in new positions to gain those perspectives, explore the light and darkness, and serve up a picture of the future for their organizations.
Within the shadows there is always knowledge, hidden potential, and enlightenment waiting to be realized. You just have to look.
How Can Photography Help You as a Leader
Recently addressing a group on leadership, I borrowed from an excellent MIT Sloan offering, and a subsequent innovation@work blog I contributed to along with the faculty. The blog offers insights between “making” a photograph (no, not a picture), leadership, and what value coaches can potentially bring to their clients…